hold them close

Nirav Patel shared our wedding story on his beautiful new site.

The love from my family is so very alive in these photos that I can feel their embrace. Tears streamed down my face as I took in these moments again. Tears of gratitude to have had such a perfect day surrounded by so much love. But also, tears of sadness because I don’t know when I’ll be able to see the people I love again. When will I be able to hug them again?⁣

My heart aches for all the separated families who are forced to be apart during this crazy time. If I didn’t have Perry, I don’t know if I could make it through this without my family. ⁣

Thank you, Nirav for giving me this gift during a time when I truly needed it. Going through these photos and memories made me feel not so far away. ⁣

If you’re with the ones you love, hold them close.

family, usJessy EastonComment